Morgan started volunteering at a young age, it was in his earliest years he saw an answer to a personal problem of depression. It is hard to be depressed when you are helping others. He still volunteers regularly. Because of being abused at home and bullied at school, Morgan has a strong belief that you need to help others.
Morgan is a passionate believer in the Law of Attraction, is getting ready to launch a non-profit and helping to fight nonprofit fraud. Morgan is a believer in The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, believing that you need a daily dose of positivity (and sometimes more).
Morgan has studied Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and applies these to positive thinking and the Law of Attraction through his work as a coach at CheeringForYou.com. He decided to become the person that cheers for others!
Morgan has been lucky enough to work and consult in such diverse fields as legal and medical research, computer science, chemistry, nonprofits (as a volunteer and board member), personal and business coaching, insurance and real estate.
For appointments call 949-237-2862
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